The Sunday Defensive - Part 1
The twisted talents of Jacob Edwards and Phil Gilbert are available to download at last. We've got highlights of their comedy show in pocket-sized chunks for your ears to nibble on at their leisure.
Sadly, we weren't able to include some sketches, just because there's nothing more annoying than hearing a lot of people laughing themselves silly for ten minutes without being able to see why. But don't despair, you can still catch them live and uncut at the Canal Cafe with new material and special guests. Jacob's dancing alone is worth the journey. Follow The Sunday Defensive link for details.
So here's part 1, which proves you should never look to these two for dating advice, or eulogy services for that matter but more of that later. As ever, scroll down to the sidebar on the right and click on the link to listen. Parts 2, 3 & 4 will follow shortly; subscribe to the podcast to automatically download the new episodes as they become available.